Project: Community Facilitator on Livestock and Pasture Development Project.
DURATION: July 2014 – November 2015
TARGET AREA: Temurmalik, Baljuvon & Khovaling districts.
Beneficiaries: 13005 Households from target areas.
The overall objective of the project is to facilitate the formation and capacity building of the Pasture User Unions in three districts of Khatlon region.
Ø 101-Pasture Users Union (PUU) established with 858 members, out of which 208 are women.
Ø 101 pasture management plan prepared and approved by Jamoats and PUU-s,
Ø 205 subprojects developed for improvement of pasture infrastructure,
Ø 5 thematic trainings on issue of pasture conducted for 858 PUU members,
Ø 2 thematic trainings conducted for capacity building of common interest groups members where 1890 person participated,
Ø 38 woman interest groups with 282 members established. These are following groups: beekeeping, poultry, small ruminants, processing of animal products.